Monday, February 25, 2019

Common Mistakes That Can Jeopardize Your BH Sound System

One of the most important section that many BH owners failed to manage is the sound system.

I think 90% of those who operate their BH do not have any clue about how those amplifiers works and how they are timed to run at the right time of the day.

Some depend so much on their electricians or their consultant to do what the consultant/electrician think right.

Do you think what the consultant set is right or worse the electrician who knows nothing about BH operation?

Their idea is simple, as long the sound is working from say 7 am till 7 pm it is okay to them.

I don't think this is right and my advise is to clearly understand what is best for your BH and make sure those birds like the volume, the timing and the type of sound you played.

I was at this BH during my Friday BH outing and was looking at the sound system. I was supposed to change the sound only but upon looking at the configuration the electrician seem to have mess up the cables and everything was haywire.

Everything that was done was wrong and I am not going to leave until I reconnect those wires.

First was to identify the right cables to the right tweeters.

Then to allocate them to either the internal sound or the external sound.

Finally which should go to the Left and which to the Right connectors at the back of the amplifiers.

Once done you need to be able to control the volume so that the one to be loud is properly set and the lower sound be subjected to proper sound testing.

The method which the timer was used was not right and I have advised the owner to get a new digital timer to get the internal sound be played on a 24 hrs basis.

After re-connection and fined tuning the BH seem to be more appropriate and those birds were on the roof.

I told the owner it is a matter of time that they will become his long term tenant.

He smiled and this was the best smile for a very long time.

He said that for the last 7 months he could not smile and can never have a good sleep. He put every penny of his saving in this BH and the "Consultant" let him down very bad.

"Thank you Harry for all the help".

I am so happy that I put that smiles back on his face.

Inside me I feel sad that his wife is not well. I shed some tears while writing this article. Main reason being I was told by his good friend that his wife is terminally ill and he will loose her shortly.I just cannot understand why his so call "Consultant" do this to him while he channeled all his saving to this project.

I hope my small contribution will at least make him and wife happy that the money was well spend.

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