Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How Many Times Can You Harvest The Birdnests Per Year?

The optimum number of harvesting that you should consider is 3 times per year.

Well, you can do twice or even 4 times a year but based on the swiftlets breeding pattern and seasons (wet and dry) in a year the best is 3 times.

The utmost important in choosing the number of harvesting per year is actually your deep understanding of swiftlet cycle of breeding.

Once they are matured swiftlet will normally find a mate. If they found one that can be in love then they will partner for life in building of the nest, hatching of the eggs and looking after their babies. They will only find a new partner if the current one died. They do not practice polygamy. So I think they are not Muslim.

Swiftlet starts building their nest in the early part of the rainy season. Usually in September to October and till April. This is due to the fact that there are abundance of food to eat.

Rainy season will activate the release of matured kings and queens of any insect colonies for reproduction purposes. Good example is the termites, red ants, black ants and etc. Once they are airborne, they automatically become the pick of all birds inclusive of your swiftlet.

The abundance in food to eat activate the mood to start the family and thus urge the couple to find the right spot to built their nest. The male bird will be more excited to build the nest and will be the one that will start the building works.

The food will actually trigger the saliva gland to bloat and the amount of saliva will be the greatest during this period.

Once started the female partner will join in the building until the nest is ready to receive the eggs. The number of days taken to build a nest is around 40 days

Once the nest is ready, the female birds will do the final inspection and upon her satisfaction will call her male to mate. The female will sit in the nest and open her wings while chipping the love call. The male will then fly and sit on the top of her and mating begins. This mating call is very much in demand by birdhouse owner.

If the nest is not good enough they will abandon a build a new one. This abandonment is very rare.

Mating will then takes place every night and perhaps daytime while flying for five to eight days. I guess this is the highlight of all male swiftlets. Well what about the female?

Once the female is ready it will lay one egg and followed by one more. The time different between the first and the second to be laid is not more then 2 days.

They will then take turns to sit on the eggs for incubation. This will take at least 13 days.

Once the eggs are hatched, the first egg will be the first and the second within hours, the parent will be responsible in carrying out their duties to find the food and feed these two babies. The babies will start showing their feathers after two week old. Once matured and able to fly, about 65 days old, they will follow their parent to search for food.

The total number of days to complete the breeding cycle is about 4 months (120 days).

If the climate is good and there are lots of foods they can bread 3 times a year. For all purpose we use two times a year will be good enough.

How do these have anything to do with harvesting?

Well! once you know their habits and reproduction cycle, you can now become a considerate and a successful birdhouse owner.

You needs to use these know ledges to ensure that you will gain the benefits from your harvest but at the same time ensure that the birds population will multiply to the optimum.

Stay Tune to My Next Topic “There Are Three Types of Birdnest Harvesting"

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